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What Is The Antikythera Mechanism Google Doodle Honors Ancient Astronomical Tool

What Is The Antikythera Mechanism Google Doodle Honors Ancient Astronomical Tool

The Antikythera Mechanism doesn't calculate so to refer to it as a computer is a best a ... Google doodle honors ancient astronomical tool.. Google doodle honors ancient astronomical tool Todays Google doodle marking the 115th anniversary of the Antikythera Mechanism discovery is a nod to.... It is one of the oldest computer discovered in 1902 in a shipwreck off the ... The Antikythera mechanism was a very useful invention dating back to so many decades. ... for astronomical predictions like positions and calendar timetables, ... a dab hand with tools and gears and is a fine mathematician overall.. ... Antikythera Mechanism, an ancient analog astronomical computer. The Antikythera Mechanism tracked planetary positions, predicted lunar and solar ... Today's Doodle illustrates how a rusty remnant can open up a skyful of.... Google highlights discovery of the Antikythera mechanism, widely referred to ... Google doodle honors van Leeuwenhoek, father of microbiology The Star ... lunar eclipses, and signaled the timing of the Ancient Olympic Games. ... duplicated again until development of astronomical clocks in Europe during.... Today's Google Doodle in most of the world portrays the Antikythera Mechanism, ... Whatever the date, this is one of the most splendid devices known from ancient times. ... was developed by the astronomer Hipparchus of Rhodes in the 2nd ... Google Doodle honors first measurement of the speed of lightIn.... The search engine shows an image of the Antikythera mechanism that some call ... Google Doodle honours Argentina's spectacular Los Glaciares National ... track the stars, predict eclipses and timed the Ancient Olympic Games. ... "It was not a research tool, something that an astronomer would use to do.... The ancient Greek astronomer, Hipparchus of Nicaea, comes to mind, but he is ... with the intention of establishing the precise machining tools, techniques and ... Google Doodle honors Antikythera Mechanism, a 2,000-year-old computer.. According to Google, the Antikythera Mechanism originally was dated around 85 BC, but it is now believed to date earlier, to 150 BC. The tool was used to track planetary positions and forecast lunar and solar eclipses, as well as mapping and ship navigation.. The Antikythera Mechanism, National Archaeological Museum, Athens, Greece ... Greek island of Antikythera) is the earliest preserved portable astronomical calculator ... In honor of the discovery, the Google Doodle yesterday commemorated the ... What the world's oldest calculator tells us about the Ancient Greeks' view of...


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